Wednesday, April 1, 2015


The Solar System
Our Solar System consists of the sun ,eight planets , dwarf planets ,abouts 336 satellites , large number of asteroids, meteors and comets.They all orbit around a central sun, held together by the
sun's gravitationl force.

This solar system originated in an old solar nebula.A nebula is a rotating disc of gas and dust.All the stars ,planets and other cosmic bodies of the solar system were formed from the nebula. Our solar system lies in one corner of a large galaxy called Milky Way.thus ,there are million of solar system

The sun
the sun is one of  the billion sun in the galaxy .if the sun  is considered as a football in  size ,the Earth would  be less than a pinhead .The visible  yellow face of the sun is called the photosphere  or light sphere.

Above the photosphere is the chromosphere which is reddish in colour. beyond this layer is the magnificent  corona or crown of the sun which is visible during eclipses .
The hot glowing flames are known as prominences.the sun consists of hydrogen and helium. the surface temperature of the sun is about 6000degree centigrade .under such a high  temperature condition, the conversion of hydrogen atoms to helium atoms takes place and there by generates
enormous amount of heat energy this keeps the sun glowing .
The sun has its own axis and rotates in a period of 26days .the heat and light radiation from the sun
is called insolation ,which makes life possible on earth the sun is about 4.5billion years old

Planets are opaque heavenly bodies.They radiate no light of their own but  shine with the reflected light of the sun.They rotate around a fixed path called orbit around the sun.They also move around their axes.Planets are further followed by small heavenly bodies called satellites. Of course ,not all planets have satellites. some of the planets like Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune are called Superior planets while Mercury and Venus are called Inferior planets.

Size or Equatorial  Radius-2,939.7 km                                                                                            distance from the sun -58 million Km
Rotation-58.64 Days
Atmospher-Helium, sodium,oxygen
Mean temperature -170 degree centigrade
  Mercury is closest to the sun and is the smallest planets .Its diameter is  40 per cent smaller than Earth and 40percent larger than moon. it is even smaller than titan,the satellite of saturn.The  sky of mercury is always dark because  mercury has virtually  no atmosphere to cause the scattering  of light .Mercury's surface is packed with craters. The larger crater is the Caloris Basin .You can easily  see mercury near the horizon in the early evening of march and april and before sunrise during september
 and october. Mercury has the greatest extremes of temperature..This is because its period of daylight and darkness lasts for 58 days and it does not have any atmosphere. mercury has no satellites

Equatorial Radius -6,051.8 km
Distance from sun-108 million km
 Rotation-243 days
Revolution-224.7 days
Atmosphere- carbon dioxide,nitrogen, sulphur dioxide,argon,neon,carbon monoxide,helium
Mean Temperature-486 degree centigrade
Venus is the jewel of the sky ,appearing bright and prominent in the western evening  sky and  eastern morning sky .It rises before  dawn and sets at sunset.hence, it  is known as the Evening Stars and Morning Star. Astronomers call it Earth's sister as both are similar in size ,mass, density and volume. both were formed about the same time .recent finding from  the spacecraft venus express unfold the fact that venus may once have had an ocean of water like the earth .it is surrounded by an atmosphere composed mainly  of carbon  dioxide with virtually no vapour. venus is the hottest planet,the surface  temperature is being 486 degree centigrade .
This temperature is primarily due to the greenhouse effect caused by the heavy atmosphere of carbon dioxide.Heat passes through the  atmosphere to heat the surface and gets  trapped when radiated, This makes hotter.Moreover,it rotates once in 243 Earth Days. it rotates from east to west. So if you are in venus,the sunrise  would take place to the west and not  the east,Venusian surface is covered with volcanic rocks.It is said that there are possibilities of  active volcanic erution on venus.

Equatorial Radius -6,378.14 km
Distance from sun-150 million km
 Rotation- 24 hours
Revolution-365  days
Atmosphere- Nitrogen, oxygen , carbon dioxide , insert gases with water vapour .
Mean Temperature- 15 degree centigrade

Any space traveller would have called our planet 'ocean' or 'water' as 70.8 per cent of it is covered by oceans, while land covers the rest 29.2 per cent only.Earth is the only terrestrial  planet known  to support life. This is because its atmosphere has  78 per cent of nitrogen and 21 per cent of oxygen . Presence of water and   soil are  the  other  essential factors. Being at a distance of  149.6 million km  from the  sun , it  receive  optimum  temperature for  life  to survive .The Earth  has  three motion like  the other planets. it  Rotates on its own  axis from  west to east , It Resolves around  the sun and moves around  the Milky  Way  With  the  other  member  of the solar system , earth  has  a satellite  known has moon .

Earth;s Satellite;The Moon

The Moon is the closest heavenly body  to the  revolves around the Earth in 27 1/2 days and its axis in approximaterly 29 days. as a result  of this , we always see the same hemisphere of the moon from the the moon around the earth , its appearance changes from new moon to full moon and  these changes in the visible shape are known as the phases of the  moon.
The Moon has no atmosphere,therefore,there is no  wind or rain to erode the surface .Hense, the  footprint of the man on the moon will be seen ever.
The Moon also extremes of temperature as there is no  atmosphere.


Equatorial Radius -3,397.2 km
Distance from sun- 228 million km
 Rotation- 24.62   hours
Revolution- 686.98 days
Atmosphere- Nitrogen, oxygen , carbon dioxide , carbon monoxide, ozone, insert gases
Mean Temperature- minus 63 degree centigrade

The Martian atmosphere is cold,thin and transparent' Hence,the surface  can be readily seen. Martian soil is rich in iron , and thus is red in colour.Hence,the name  Red Planets  is  given  to mars . The Martian surface  has huge volcanoes and deep canyons. The largest  volcano Olympus Mons[Mt.Olympic] rises to a height of 78,000 feet. Martian plains are  pockmarked.Dry river  beds and the  rocks and sediments suggest that they were washed by water. Martian polar ice caps contain frozen carbon dioxide [Dry Ice], which  recede and advance  according to seasons. The Mars Odyssey  spacecraft has detected large quantities of water in the form of ice close to the north polar surface .Evidence of past or present water on mars is expected to hold clues about  the presence of life on mars in the past. Features resembling our islands,gorges,river beds and  dunes have  been  seen on mars.
Mars has two satellites,namely Deimos and Phobos.

Equatorial Radius -1,42,984 km
Distance from sun-778  million km
 Rotation-  9.55  hours
Revolution-12  years
Mean Temperature- minus125 degree centigrade
Jupiter is the  biggest giant among the eight planets .If  it was hollow,more than 1,000 Earth could have  fitted in. There is a ring  system around  jupiter  which  is invisible from  the Earth . The Great  Red  Spot on  jupiter  is a complex storm.
The air on jupiter is unbreathable because of the presence  of hydrogen ,ammonia and methane  in its  atmosphere. There are no traces  of oxygen or water vapour. Jupiter is not a terrestrial planets like  Earth and Mars but  a gaseous  body .it  has 63 satellites. Four of  its largest Moons are Callisto,Ganymede,Europa and Io.

Equatorial Radius-  60,268 km
Distance from sun-1,427 million km
 Rotation-  10.23  hours
Revolution-29.45 years
Mean Temperature- minus125 degree centigrade

Saturn is the second largest planet.Saturn's ring  system  makes it the most  beautiful object  in the sky . The planets is visibly flattened at the poles due to very fast rotation.Saturn is less dense than water . In an unlikely event,,that a large enough ocean could  be found, Saturn would flot in it.Saturn has 60 officially recognised  satellites  of  which  Titan  is the  largest . it is larger than Mercury .Saturn is also clearly visible through a telescope in winter.

Equatorial Radius- 25,559  km
Distance from sun-2,870 million km
 Rotation-17   hours 14 minutes
Revolution-84 years
Atmosphere-hydrogen,helium, methane
Mean Temperature- minus 193 degree centigrade
Uranus is four times  the size  of the Earth.
It appears bluish green due to the presence of  methane  gas  in the  atmosphere which  absorbs  the infrared rays. This planet was discovered by William Herschel in 1781.The axis of  this planet being  tilted at 90 per cent from the vertical,it seems to roll on its side.Below the atmosphere, its mantle is supposed  to be  composed of water,methane and ammonia.Its core is made up of rocks and  ice.

Equatorial Radius- 24,746  km
Distance from sun-4,497 million km
 Rotation-16 hours  6 minutes
Revolution-165 years
Atmosphere-hydrogen,helium, methane
Mean Temperature- minus 193 degree centigrade to minus 153 degree centigrade
Neptune appears bluish in colour due to the presence  of  methane in its atmosphere . it is the last Jovian planet (The  Jovian Planets being Jupiter,Saturn ,Uranus  and Neptune)
Neptune has several  dark spot like Jupiter's storm.The largest spot  is the Great Dark Spot, about the  size  of the Earth .It has a set of rings which  are narrow and  faint. The  atmosphere of Neptune is very cold since it is very far from the sun

Today, many scientist  do not consider pluto as a full fledged  planet. it is dubbed as one of the many  dwarf  planets.
Other Celestial Bodies of the solar system

Asteroids  or planetoids are  minor planets that revolve around the sun mainly between the orbits of Mars  and Jupiter. These are cosmic fragments ,These are some 80,000 asteroids of  which Ceres is the largest. it has a  diameter of about 1,000 km.
Meteors and Meteorites
A Meteor or Shooting  Star appears to be a  streak  of light  across the night  sky . We  noticed the Leonid Meteor  Shower  in the years  1998.A meteor is a fragment of  rock that  enters  the  Earth 's atmosphere from  the space . Due  to the  Earth's gravity, they travel  at a high speed and  so a friction  occurs in the layers of air resulting in their burning . Those  meteors  that are quite large and whose portions remain unburnt,reach the Earth's surface as meteorrites . Though , such  meteorite fall are rare, it is believed that the Lonar lake in india

is due to a meteorite hit. The huge crater in Arizona
was also created due to meteorite fall.


Comers are heavenly bodies that  revolve around  the  sun in an elliptical orbits.However, the sun is not the of a comet's orbit.They are the most unpredictable bodies in  the Solar system.Comets have a highly eccentric  orbit. When they come near the sun,we can see them and then they travel far away.The word comets means 'A Hairy Star'  as it has a lighted head or coma and long luminous tail. Halley's comet was sighted in  1986 and is due to return in 2062.Another comet, HaleBopp was  sighed on April 6, 1997. Man such  comets visit our planets almost every day.

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